f u g u e   s t a t e   p r e s s
p.o. box 80, cooper station
new york, ny 10276
208-693-6152 fax

about fugue state press

Founded in 1992.
Listed in Literary Market Place.
Distributed through Baker and Taylor.

We publish novels. To us, the long form of a novel, in which everything is said, can have an emotional impact only matched by other large forms: film, opera, symphony, epic. So for over twenty years we've published ambitious innovative novels of a high literary quality. (Authors, please see our guidelines.)

Our novels tend to be unusual--singular, eccentric, impractical, emotional, visionary. They're also "experimental" in the sense that any good art is experimental.

There's a little more information about us in this article.

the books

guidelines for submissions

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