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Ants Dissolve in Moonlight
by W.B. Keckler
$7.00   78 pp.   ISBN 1-879193-04-3

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"...Fluid, thoughtful, gorgeous poems. Some connect the reader with the challenge of re-perceiving everydayness...others recall the perverse ironies of Emily Dickinson...Subtle wordplay and quick intelligences recall Stevens, but updated and more fleshy and playful."
--Susan Smith Nash, Witz

"An avant garde collection of poems which captures different surreal images of nature and which uses free verse with a liberal touch. A wide range of structures and styles demonstrates a strong attention to descriptions and short vignettes of observation."
--Midwest Book Review

These poems have appeared in some of America's finest contemporary journals, including Columbia Poetry Review, Osiris, Texture and TO.

W.B. Keckler writes poetry, prose, plays and screenplays in Harrisburg, PA. He is a 2002 winner of the National Poetry Series for his book Sanskrit of the Body, which has been published by Penguin Books. He has also translated André Malraux's surrealist novel The Kingdom of Farfelu, available on Fugue State Press.

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